Steele's Transportation Group Job Board Job Board / Independent Contractor-Class 1 Day Cab - Calgary Terminal / Apply Independent Contractor-Class 1 Day Cab - Calgary Terminal Personal Information First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone * Country * Postal Code * Professional Details Resume * Resume must be larger than 0 bytes and less than 25 MB. 5-year Commercial Drivers abstract * 5-year Commercial Drivers abstract must be larger than 0 bytes and less than 25 MB. Drivers License * Drivers License must be larger than 0 bytes and less than 25 MB. Picture of Truck Picture of Truck must be larger than 0 bytes and less than 25 MB. Personal Information What is your full name * What is your current address * What is your phone number * How long have you lived at your current address * If you have lived at your current address for less than 5 years, please list your previous addresses over the past 5 years. * As part of our screening process, we will require a current criminal name and record check. Are you willing to provide a criminal name and record check? * Please provide your Drivers license number, issuing province, Class and expiry date * Has your drivers license ever been revoked or suspended? * If your license has been revoked or suspended, please explain why? Please use this area to explain your driving experience including type or class of equipment, employment dates and number of miles / km driven Do you hold any safe driving awards? Do you have an established company or corporation, if so, what is the name? * Do you have a WCB account? If yes, please provide the account number. * Have you been an owner operator before? If yes, please provide details along with the pay model you were on? * Have you have any traffic accidents? * If you have had any traffic accidents, please provide the details for each on including dates, type of vehicle you were driving, type of accident (head-on, rear-end etc.) and injuries which resulted. * Have you have any traffic violations in the past 3 years? * If you have had any traffic violations in the past 3 years, please provide details of dates, the type of violation (Red light, running stop sign, speeding, distracted driving etc.) and the penalty incurred. * Who was your last employer? Provide company name, address, dates employed, contact name and number, reason for leaving. * Who was your second last employer? Provide company name, address, dates employed, contact person and number, reason for leaving. * Who was your 3rd last employer? Provide company name, address, dates employed, contact person and number, reason for leaving. * Truck details - please provide year, make, model, mileage. If straight box truck, what are the box dimensions including Inside Length, Inside Width, Height at door opening. Tailgate capacity, temperature control. * Submit